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"Our impact" can refer to the effect or influence that something has on its surroundings or on the world at large. This term is often used in discussions about various topics, including environmental issues, social movements, technological advancements, and more. For instance, a company might discuss its impact on the environment through its production processes, or an activist group might measure its impact on policy change.

Understanding and evaluating impact is crucial for making informed decisions and taking responsible actions. It involves assessing both the intended and unintended consequences of our actions and striving to maximize positive outcomes while minimizing negative ones. This concept is especially relevant in discussions about sustainability, social justice, and ethical business practices.


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Water Supply

Source: Identifying and securing a sustainable water source...

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Irrigation Designing

Design of PDN, Command area, Minor and Major Irrigation works, lift Irrigatio...

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Structural Design

Structural Design

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Architecture Design

Architecture Design

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Town Planning and GIS Engineering

GIS Engineer 

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Topographical, Hydrological, Bathymetric survey, Aerial, Property Mapping, et...

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Detailed Project Report (DPR) Incluilding Hydraulic modelling of Sewerage Net...